Friday, June 27, 2008

Party And Money Saving Tips

You may want to limit your expenses in setting up a party. The costs of items that you will need for your party could be expensive. You should learn how to limit your expenses and set a reasonable budget for the party that you are going to have.

Allotting a budget for a party doesn't mean that your party can't be fabulous or extravagant. If you intend to save more money on your party, you should break down the expenses that you will have for the party. Here are some tips on how to host a party on a budget.

1. You should list the names of the guests you will invite. Invite only those people who are important to you. You may include your family and friends that are closest to you. In this way, you can prepare for a quality party on a budget.

2. You should only select dishes that may need less preparation but are still impressive. You may find a variety of dishes that may cost less but can look fabulous and taste great. You may also order for a selection of dishes from your nearest catering service if you don't have the time to cook and prepare.

3. You may serve fewer courses of meals and limit the choices of food. You may serve only one appetizer and concentrate on the main meal that you intend to serve for the party. You should know the dishes that are commonly served at events like wedding receptions and dinner parties.

4. If you intend to serve wine, you should purchase wine in bulks. The price should be cheaper compared to buying in bottles offered to you by your caterer.

5. You may use your own tables, chairs, and utensils for the party. In this way, you can order only the things that you don't have at home. You may ask your family members and friends to help you set up the tables and chairs for the reception.

You should plan early for the party. You may consider using your garden as your place for the party or reception. In this way, you can save more money that you will pay for a restaurant. If you don't have the space for bigger parties, you may consider hosting the party outdoors where you can have more space for more invited guests.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Tips On How To Save On Gasoline

If you have been spending more than what you can afford on your gasoline consumption, you should better trim down the refills. There are many things that are more important than just gasoline, so it goes to show that your money shouldn't revolve on your gasoline bills alone.

Saving on gasoline won't necessarily mean commuting and using your car less often in the same way as not eating food just to save on groceries. That is simply not saving.

Saving on gas would mean maximizing the amount of gasoline you use, thus, giving you better gasoline mileage.

Moreover, with the pries of gasoline nowadays, saving more and maximizing your consumption would definitely give you more than what you have paid for. If you think you can't do away without driving and without using gasoline, you just have to learn how to maximize your gasoline consumption and save more.

Here are a few reminders:

1. A regular tune up on your car can make wonders

A regularly tuned up car will not only mean longer life span of the vehicle but can also guarantee better gas mileage.

You don't have to drive the newest model just to ensure better gas mileage. The performance will entirely depend on how you maintain your car’s condition.

If everything is working quite perfectly, you can be sure that you get better gas mileage, which means less gasoline refills, of course.

2. Are you a racer?

If not, then try to drive a little slower. Driving faster than the wind won't only get you into trouble but can also waste a lot of gasoline without you knowing it.

Experts say that “traveling velocity” can put a great impact on your gasoline use. For example, if you drive at 105kph instead of 88kph, you are increasing your gasoline consumption up to 17%. That is a lot of gasoline you have there, and when converted into dollars, that is simply overspending.

3. Be wary on your filter’s condition

Filters may seem one of the most neglected parts on a car. Most motorists don't understand the importance of air filters.

Filter makes your car’s engine more cost-effective. It can create more force and energy and, of course, better gasoline consumption.

If your car has a dirty or congested air filter, replacing them will absolutely perk up your car’s gasoline mileage up to 10% more. Besides, having clean air filters all the time will ensure your car engine’s optimum performance and durability.

4. Break it more gently

Breaking and accelerating more frequently will not only wear out your car’s condition but can also increase you gasoline consumption more than 18%.

So whenever you are on the road, try not to accelerate more than what is recommended. Try to anticipate, as well, the traffic ahead so that you can apply measured, steady brake.

5. Check your tires

If your tires are deflating more whenever you drive, you are actually reaping off more money from your pockets.

Why? Simply because the lesser efficient your tires are, the more gasoline you use, and not just because they deteriorate faster.

It is best to always keep your tires well inflated according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Keep in mind that a tire that has been inflated by 2 PSI can actually boost your car’s gas use by 1%.

6. Have your shopping and trips to groceries more organized

Getting things organized won't only make life easier to bear but can also save more on your expenses.

Consider this: try to budget your food consumption for the week and have all your groceries bought on a single day. It would be best if you can find all of the things you need in a single store. In this way, you can cut back on fuel use.

7. Reduce wind resistance

If you will be driving on a highway, it is best to keep your windows closed so as to lessen that drag. Dragging can aggravate fuel consumption. Remember your physics? It will definitely take more force just to push your car through the wind and this would mean using more gas than the usual.

All of these things can, in some way or another, help you save on gas. Just try to be conscious of where your money goes and it will be easier for you to find cost-effective ways to save more money.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Consumers Guide To Investments

Investments can turn your money into gold. This means that you can have more value for you money once you have put them on functional investments.

However, investments can also be a breeding ground for dreadful losses. If you can have a thousand and one ways to earn more from your money, you can have the same amount of chances of losing them. That is why many people don't take chances of gambling their money.

There are ways on how to save money on investments. In this way, you can be sure that you have only spent the right amount needed to earn the right profits.

If by any chance something happens because no one knows how to foresee the flow of the market, you will be able to cope up with your losses because you were able to save more on your investments.

So to get you started on saving more money on your investments, here are some tips to live by:

1. Never put money on something you can't afford

An investment is one great risk. It would be better to put more risk by investing on something that you can afford.

Don't try to borrow money just to invest it on something else. As they say, money doesn't grow on trees. So never expect your money to grow instantly. It would be better if you will lessen the risk of losing your money by only investing on things that require little payments.

2. Do not go with the flow

Never invest on something that you aren't positively sure why you want to do so. It is best not to invest on a particular venture if you don't have an exact cause for doing so.

Even if many people are investing on stock exchange, don't go with the flow if you think that you don't have firm motives to engage in such investment.

If you know your motives, you will surely know what to do next. You cut back the possible unnecessary fees you will be required to pay.

3. Compare investments

Try to compare investments. In this way, you can evaluate those investments that only require little amount of money but can deliver higher chances of gaining profits.

Moreover, comparing investments will let you identify the right venture that can let you save more money.

Good decisions will always allow you to save more money. So if you have made good choices on investments, you can be sure of your family’s future with more savings than the usual.